13 Simple Weight Loss Hacks You Can Use Today and Feel Lighter Tomorrow

Weight loss isn’t easy – if it was, I wouldn’t be seeing a billion different diet plans and products available for sale (all waste of money, by the way). To truly lose weight, it’s all about a change in lifestyle – there are no quick fixes – sounding tough already, huh?. But the good news is, even the smallest weight loss tricks or mind hacks can make a big difference when it comes to losing weight. Here are 13 such tricks you can easily incorporate today.

1. Don’t skip breakfast

Don’t skip breakfast. It is important to start up your metabolism. Hunger sets in long before it’s time for lunch, so those who haven’t had breakfast often reach for snacks that are high in fat or sugar.

2. Eat your carbs earlier in the day

It is easier to digest carbs earlier in the day. So while it is important to eat a balanced diet, keeping your carb heavy meals at breakfast will help you stay fit.

3. Use the stairs

Taking the stairs can shrink your waist by almost 2% in 12 weeks (that’s for a normal flight of stairs you have in your home).

4. Understand your cravings

When you think you’re craving candy, you may just be craving sugar. Eating a piece of fruit can eliminate this quickly. The more you know about what your body really wants, the more likely you are to find a healthy alternative and feel satisfied.

5. Eat your calories

Don’t waste calories by drinking them. Chewing triggers satiety, so you may take in 15% fewer calories than if you eat your apple instead of drinking its juice.

6. Find a way to drink more water

You’ve been told a million times to drink water but that doesn’t make it any easier to remember while you’re busy. So link your sips to something you do often, for example whenever you check your email. This will keep you full all day and make sure you get the amount you should have.

7. Remember to drink a glass of water before meals

Often when you think you’re hungry you’re actually just thirsty. Try to stop yourself from going for the bread by drinking water instead. It will also help you digest your food better.

8. Stand and work, instead of sitting

There are tons of benefits from getting a standing desk, one being that you’ll lose weight.

9. Keep healthy snacks available at all times

Fail to plan, plan to fail. Make sure you have food options with you to cut down on vending machine adventures.

10. Skip soda, drink green tea instead

A study for The Journal of Nutrition found that green tea decreases body fat. It’s also a great way to get calorie-free caffeine.

11. Slow down when eating

By eating slowly you are able to give your stomach time to digest. So you’re more likely to know when you are full and stop eating.

12. Sneak in more vegetables into your meals

You know what most diets boil down to? Three words: Eat more vegetables. That might not be a simple mind hack, but you can trick yourself into eating more vegetables by doubling the veggies in any recipe.

13. Go easy on yourself

Obsessing over losing weight can become counterproductive. Stress does crazy things to your body and you will have a harder time losing weight if you stress about it. So stay calm and eat clean.
If you think it will be hard to change your ways or you’re just too busy with work and life to try anything else to lose weight, then consider following the Lean Body Hacks weight loss system.
The Lean Body Hacks is a simple and proven weight loss system that helps woman shed fat fast, effectively and permanently.

One Simple Hack

The Lean Body Hacks system makes you lose fat fast by adding just one simple hack into your daily routine– eating a unique ratio of herbs and spices that has been scientifically proven to boost your metabolism and that forces your body to dissolve your fat cells.
Some of these herbs and spices include:
  1. Turmeric, which forces your stomach to produce more acidic bile that helps your body melt away fat;
  2. Fenugreek, which is packed full of fiber that helps keep you full; and
  3. Ginseng, an ancient Asian herb that works like cayenne peppers on steroids to quickly and more effectively heat up your body as if you did a full work-out (but without doing anything) – while also triggering your digestive system to produce more gut bacteria that helps you digest your food.
Woman who have followed the Lean Body Hacks system have reportedly lost up to 14 pounds in just 9 days. Some women have continued to go on to lose 87 pounds in the following 12 weeks.
And the best part about Lean Body Hacks is that you can continue to eat all your favorite foods. You don’t have to perform a single workout, change your diet or take any dangerous pills or supplements – you will lose all your excess weight as long as you include that one simple hack into your routine everyday.
If you’re a woman who have struggled to lose weight, I urge you to give yourself a chance to transform your body and health in the next 9 days with the Lean Body Hacks weight loss system.