6 Ways To Lose Fat Around The Belly

Weight loss can be a challenge, but there are tips and tricks that make the journey a little easier. Here are 6 super easy weight loss tricks to get you started or to help you get over a plateau and make sure that belly of yours is flatter than ever.
Remember, no matter which of these tricks to lose weight you incorporate into your healthy lifestyle, the key to long-term weight loss success is consistency. Create a plan for success and stick to it. Believe it or not, there will come a day (or maybe more) when life is so crazy you won’t have the time or energy to plan a healthy meal or fit in a workout – but the key is to acknowledge the hiccup and get back on the weight loss track. Good Luck.

1. Make Healthy Recipe Swaps

Women often think of healthy eating in negative terms: I shouldn’t eat this or I *definitely* can’t eat that. The truth is that you can enjoy many of the same foods by swapping out traditional recipes for those that use whole or minimally processed ingredients.

2. Hydrate With Water Only

Beverages are a big-time weight loss trap for many women. Refined sweeteners add empty calories, while artificial sweeteners alter the metabolism and lead to weight gain. Swap out sodas, processed teas, caf̩ drinks, and sports drinks for water, and water only. If you really need a quick tasty fix, add a splash of lime or a few slices of your favorite fruit or vegetables Рyes, even adding carrots will give you an added kick to your beverage.

3. Kick It Up Many Notches With Your Vegetables

One of the simplest tricks to lose weight is to add food to your menu. We’re talking veggies. Vegetables, when enjoyed in healthy recipes, nourish the body with nutrients, like fiber, that support weight loss.

4. Eat “Just Enough”

American women today consume an average of 300 more calories per day now than in 1985. Another one of the easy weight loss tricks is to eat portion sizes that maintain a healthy weight. To start, eat much slower than you normally do (as I was terrible in eating with chopsticks, I used them at every meal to slow down my eating), take smaller bites and let your brain register that you’re eating to satisfy your hunger. You’ll be surprised how much less you’ll actually eat.

5. Walk 10,000 Steps a Day

Walk more steps! It’s not as hard as you think! And this is one of the easiest tricks to lose weight. Taking more steps each day has been linked to benefits like weight loss as well as lower blood pressure and healthier glucose levels. Use a fitness tracker or a simple pedometer to track steps – there are SO many phone apps out there to track your steps – so get going!

6. Lift Weights (and I mean heavy weights)

Especially if you’re over 30 years old! If you think cardio is the ‘secret’ to blasting belly fat, you cannot be more wrong. When Penn State researchers put dieters into three groups—no exercise, aerobic exercise only, or aerobic exercise and weight training—they all lost around 21 pounds, but the lifters shed six more pounds of fat than those who didn’t pump iron. Why? The lifters’ loss was almost pure fat; the others lost fat and muscle.
Other research on dieters who don’t lift shows that, on average, 75 percent of their weight loss is from fat, while 25 percent is from muscle. Muscle loss may drop your scale weight, but it doesn’t improve your reflection in the mirror and it makes you more likely to gain back the flab you lost. However, if you weight train as you diet, you’ll protect your hard-earned muscle and burn more fat. Not enough reason? Ok, then let’s just say a combination of cardio and weight lift will make you look and feel better in your clothes – yes, even in skimpy bikinis.

7. Keep things simple

One of the biggest weight loss mistakes that many women make and thus not able to lose weight is that they overcomplicate things. With weight loss, often times, simplicity is best.
If you think it will be hard to change your ways or you’re just too busy with work and life to try anything else to lose weight, then consider following the Lean Body Hacks weight loss system.

One Simple Hack

The Lean Body Hacks system makes you lose fat fast by adding just one simple hack into your daily routine– eating a unique ratio of herbs and spices that has been scientifically proven to boost your metabolism and that forces your body to dissolve your fat cells.
Some of these herbs and spices include:
  1. Turmeric, which forces your stomach to produce more acidic bile that helps your body melt away fat;
  2. Fenugreek, which is packed full of fiber that helps keep you full; and
  3. Ginseng, an ancient Asian herb that works like cayenne peppers on steroids to quickly and more effectively heat up your body as if you did a full work-out (but without doing anything) – while also triggering your digestive system to produce more gut bacteria that helps you digest your food.
Woman who have followed the Lean Body Hacks system have reportedly lost up to 14 pounds in just 9 days. Some women have continued to go on to lose 87 pounds in the following 12 weeks.
And the best part about Lean Body Hacks is that you can continue to eat all your favorite foods. You don’t have to perform a single workout, change your diet or take any dangerous pills or supplements – you will lose all your excess weight as long as you include that one simple hack into your routine everyday.
If you’re a woman who have struggled to lose weight, I urge you to give yourself a chance to transform your body and health in the next 9 days with the Lean Body Hacks weight loss system.