7 Habits You Need To Commit To If You Are Serious About Getting Rid of Your Belly Fat

You know what, this post’s title almost sounds too good to be true, as you’ll find a huge number of similar tips on Pinterest. However, I’m not here to give you unrealistic expectations and sell you my special brand of fat-destroying snake oil, nor am I here to hold your hand and tell you that you should ease into it slowly.
Until recently I was a relatively large girl (and had been since middle school) so I know a thing or two about getting rid of belly fat. So, let’s get to it – to do what I did – to kick belly fat in the ass, you have to commit to a radically different lifestyle and have some patience. Belly fat is the last to go for a vast majority of women, and you can’t “target” it.
All you can do is follow a few effective guidelines and wait for your body fat percentage to drop low enough for your body to finally start to let go of those last reserves of belly fat. Below are 7 effective tips to start you off.
These are proven methods that can help you cut your calories, improve digestion, burn a good amount of energy and increase your metabolism, all of which are needed to shed that persistent belly fat. It takes commitment and patience to get the results you want, but as long as you don’t make too many mistakes and stay consistent with these new habits, expect to see a sexy flat belly in a few months. Good luck.

1. Switch to diet soda and eat fruit when you crave something sweet.

Cutting calories can be a tricky task, because it’s difficult for most people to gauge portion size and realize just how many calories they are actually consuming. However, one aspect that contributes to at least 1/4 or 1/3 of most people’s daily calories are sugary drinks and candy. By giving these up you can easily drop some 800-1600 calories or even more, depending on how much of it you consume on a daily basis.
A 2 litre bottle of Coke or similar drink is about 800 calories, while a 100g bar of chocolate has about 500 calories. As a comparison, diet sodas have zero or close to zero calories, a medium-sized banana has 100 calories, 100g of strawberries have about 33 calories and a medium-sized apple has just under 100 calories. When you feel a need for something sweet, go with some fruit and a handful of nuts, or a bowl of muesli and some milk.

2. Choose healthier foods and cook for yourself.

Here are a couple of facts that you need to keep in mind when losing weight:
  • You will mostly eat foods that are readily available in your home
  • Most of the time, you’ll just eat what’s quick and convenient to prepare
When we understand these important points we can come up with easy solutions:
  • Fill up your freezer, fridge and pantries with healthy foods
  • Cook for the next few days or the entire week and have your meals ready to go
Not only will cooking your own food help you stick to a healthier diet, but it will also save you a lot of money. Restaurants and fast food joints are a problem, so instead of eating out you can have a nice dinner at your house from time to time, or go for a walk and have a picnic. You can bring your food to work in plastic containers. This way you won’t be tempted to go with high calorie foods.

3. Take time to stretch and meditate when stressed.

Static stretches should be done after each workout, be it weightlifting or running, but they can also be used whenever you feel a bit agitated. Not only will some 10-15 minutes of stretching help alleviate joint pain and muscle soreness, but it will also help relax your mind. You essentially occupy your mind with the task at hand and forget about your worries for a while.
End these short stretching bouts with another 10 minutes of slow breathing in a comfortable position, and try to clear your mind and focus on counting every breath – once you get to ten, start over from one, and visualize the numbers appearing on a big white screen as you count. Effective stress management is very important for keeping your body and mind in good health, and will prevent things like emotional eating.

4. Walk a total of at least 1-2 hours a day.

This is the easiest good habit to get into, and it is actually great for both your heart and weight loss. It doesn’t burn much calories compared to running, hitting the heavy bag or circuit training, but since it is much easier you’ll be less likely to skip a session, and won’t mind doing it for a couple of hours at a time.
A simple way to get more walking done is to park a little further away, use the stairs more often, take your dog out to the park, go shopping with some friends or just put on an audiobook or some music and make a few circles around the block. A good substitute can be household chores – some 30-60 minutes of vacuuming, dusting and washing dishes will burn enough calories to make a difference.

5. Do some cardio exercises when watching tv.

Walking is good for your cardiovascular system and shedding a few extra calories, but nothing beats an intense cardio workout where you keep your heart rate elevated for some 10-20 minutes. Running is great and can be fun, but it tends to be a little hard on the joints, and it’s easy to find an excuse not to do it. This is why I would recommend getting an exercise machine and placing it in your living room, so you can get in a quick session while you watch some TV or listen to an audio book.
As far as home devices go, a rowing machine is an excellent choice, as it takes up little space, doesn’t waste electricity and gets your entire body involved in the movement, particularly the pulling muscles of the back and the abdominals, which most people neglect when training. Just be sure to make certain you’re using it properly, as you can hurt yourself with bad form!

6. Build up your strength.

Pumping up those muscles a little bit serves several important purposes:
  • It gives you something to show off when the fat comes off
  • The training helps you burn some extra calories
  • The added muscle tone increases the amount of calories you burn when resting
Building strength will build a good amount of muscle as well, and the more muscle you have the more calories your body will need just to maintain the same weight, so you don’t have to cut your calories too low or go insane with the cardio exercises. It also makes you feel more agile and energetic, which will cause you to move around more throughout the day, burning yet more calories in the process.

7. Get a minimum of 8 hours of sleep a day.

Getting enough sleep will help you reduce stress, improve concentration and allow your body to regulate its complex biochemistry and keep your metabolism high. If you fail to get adequate rest, you will have trouble pushing hard at the gym or staying consistent with your rowing or treadmill sessions. As an additional benefit, the less you stay awake at night, the less cravings you’ll experience – you can’t eat if you’re asleep.

8. Keeping things simple.

One of the biggest weight loss mistakes that many women make and thus not able to lose weight is that they overcomplicate things. With weight loss, often times, simplicity is best.
If you think it will be hard to change your ways or you’re just too busy with work and life to try anything else to lose weight, then consider following the Lean Body Hacks weight loss system.
The Lean Body Hacks is a simple and proven weight loss system that helps woman shed fat fast, effectively and permanently.

One Simple Hack

The Lean Body Hacks system makes you lose fat fast by adding just one simple hack into your daily routine– eating a unique ratio of herbs and spices that has been scientifically proven to boost your metabolism and that forces your body to dissolve your fat cells.
Some of these herbs and spices include:
  1. Turmeric, which forces your stomach to produce more acidic bile that helps your body melt away fat;
  2. Fenugreek, which is packed full of fiber that helps keep you full; and
  3. Ginseng, an ancient Asian herb that works like cayenne peppers on steroids to quickly and more effectively heat up your body as if you did a full work-out (but without doing anything) – while also triggering your digestive system to produce more gut bacteria that helps you digest your food.
Woman who have followed the Lean Body Hacks system have reportedly lost up to 14 pounds in just 9 days. Some women have continued to go on to lose 87 pounds in the following 12 weeks.
And the best part about Lean Body Hacks is that you can continue to eat all your favorite foods. You don’t have to perform a single workout, change your diet or take any dangerous pills or supplements – you will lose all your excess weight as long as you include that one simple hack into your routine everyday.
If you’re a woman who have struggled to lose weight, I urge you to give yourself a chance to transform your body and health in the next 9 days with the Lean Body Hacks weight loss system.